Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Repeating Sadness

Not long after I posted the last entry, a month after I started, I realized that I repeated myself. Yes, I did have three, yes three, strokes, so maybe my brain is a little addles, but mostly I think I'm a moron. That's OK, I'm pretty sure it will take me a month to finish this entry and I'll probably repeat myself again. Seriously, though, with the about of crap that is rattling around in my head, I'm sure I should have something a little bit more original to say.

I'm now into my 7 months since all this happened. I still have many people asking me many questions. How am I doing? What is it like? Endless questions about the things that happened while I was in the hospital. None of this bothers me. I don't mind answering questions at all. There are few things that I'm unwilling to talk about, and if someone asks me about those, then I politely say "I can't talk about that", and leave it.

What I can say is this. At times, since this all started, I've been overcome by overwhelming sadness. Now yes, of course this was true while I was in the hospital. Anyone would be sad, waking up from coma, to find their life shattered. But here I am 7 months later, and if anything my life is better than it has been in a long time. I'm engaged. My relationships with all of my friends and family are deeper than I ever thought myself capable of. My job is going well. I'm back rock climbing, and I'm back mountain biking. I'm luckier than person deserves to be. I nearly died, fighting demons you can't even imagine, and yet to this day I'm at times overwhelmed with sadness. There are many things that can cause this, some that I don't understand.But the thing that truly makes me sad, though, is thinking or hearing about what my friends and family went through while I was asleep. I can't even imagine. All I can say to those people is "I'm sorry" and I really am. I'm sorry.

1 comment:

Corazon said...

I can't speak for everyone, but I'm sure most would agree that there is no need for you to apologize for what the people who love you went through while you were sick. I can't even imagine what you had to go through, and whatever us and others had to experience is merely a fraction of what you did.

Those hardships are gone, and how we can move on with making sure we take full advantage of today with an open heart (pun not intended).