Thursday, September 17, 2009

Another Anniversary Approaches

On Monday, I had some extra blood because some previous blood work had shown that I had very low platelets. Well, the platelet count is continuing to go down. As result, I was taken off my last non anti-rejection med, Lipitor, and one of my anti-rejection meds, Arava (which was a replacement for Cellcept). I'm not even 1 year out from my heart transplant. Even before these reduction, my post-transplant Dr., said I was on next to nothing. Now I 'm down to 2 mg of Prograf twice a day, and 5mg Prednisone. In addition to a Calcium supplement twice day, and a multivitamin. Don't get me wrong, I kind of like that I'm on so few medications, especially so soon after my transplant, but I can't help but feel uneasy about the whole thing. Still, I haven't had a hint of rejection, and they even took me off of my blood pressure meds because I was getting into better physical shape. It's hard for me to believe that this time last year, I was waking up from a coma, just barely breathing without a tube, unable to eat, unable to sit up, let along stand or walk. You know for some reason it sort of bothers me, people keep telling me how lucky I am, but I know it's true

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